Complaints and Compliments

We strive to ensure a high quality service, but if you wish to make a comment, complaint or compliment please contact:

EPA Service Operations Manager

Mr Nigel Roberts


Laboratory Medicine
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital


Generally available between 9:00 – 17:30, Monday – Friday

01603 286936


We aim to reply within 48 hours

When making a complaint directly to EPA, please make complaints in writing or by email whenever possible. If your complaint is made in person or by telephone, please provide as much information as possible to assist us with our investigations. Any information provided in person or by telephone should be repeated back to confirm details for accuracy.

The EPA Service Operations Manager will manage the complaint. All complaints are reviewed at the EPA Clinical Governance Committee. Complaints and their responses are reviewed to make sure that actions are appropriate and whether there is any requirement to escalate to the EPA Management Committee and EPA Board. A full investigation usually takes around two months to complete.   

Complaints raised via the Trust PALS Team (Patient Advice and Liaison Service):

 Complaints can also be raised by the Trust PALS Teams at NNUH. QEH and JPUH:

At NNUH- phone 01603 289036 or email [email protected]

At QEH- phone 01553 613351 or 01553 613343 or email: [email protected]. Complaints can also be made in person; visit the PALS information desk located near the main entrance to the hospital, opposite Costa Coffee.

The opening times are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Please note the office is closed at weekends and bank holidays

At JPUH: The PALS and Complaints Team are available from 9:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays.)

Please phone the team on Great Yarmouth 453240 or email [email protected]. If the line is busy you may get an answering machine – please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we can. 

Submit a comment or query online – Visit the Contact us page to submit a message directly to the PALS staff.

Write to us – PALS & Complaints Team, James Paget University Hospitals Foundation Trust, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. NR31 6LA.





EWG-H-003 Last updated 25/03/24 (3)