Bacterial isolates of clinical significance including antimicrobial sensitivity testing: Blood Culture
Site(s) or Laboratory offering Test/Investigation
NNUH, JPUH, QEH (Microbiology)
Incubators are available at all sites to meet the 4 hour bleed to load time target. Follow up testing on positive specimens is performed at NNUH. 8-10 mL for Adult blood collection. NOT SUITABLE FOR TB STUDIES. General preliminary reports will be released at 48 hours, NICU preliminary negative reports will be released at 36
Storage conditions and sample stability between collection and transport to Lab
Ideal sample age for accurate results/Maximum acceptable sample age (at the time of analysis)
Incubation within 4 hours of bleeding the patient
Sample type
Blood in Adult or Paediatric Blood Culture Bottles
Turnaround times (TAT) Urgent/Routine/GP or OPD
3-4 days depending on sensitivity testing requirement
If UKAS Accredited Test indicate at which site
Pending re-accreditation due to equipment update