Albumin:Creatinine ratio (ACR) (Microalbumin)


Albumin:Creatinine ratio (ACR) (Microalbumin)

Site(s) or Laboratory offering Test/Investigation

NNUH (Biochemistry)




To be screened for the early detection of kidney disease occurring as a complication of diabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure)

Sample type

Urine vacutest

Turnaround times (TAT) Urgent/Routine/GP or OPD

1 hour / 4 hour / by 8am next day

Reference intervals (adult unless stated)

Interpreting Albumin:Creatinine ratio (ACR):
Regard a confirmed ACR of 3 mg/mmol or more as clinically important proteinuria in people with diabetes or people without diabetes with a GFR of less than 60mL/min/1.73 m2.
1. For the initial detection of proteinuria, if the ACR is between 3 mg/mmol and 70 mg/mmol, this should be confirmed by a subsequent early morning sample. If the initial ACR is 70 mg/mmol or more, a repeat sample need not be tested.
2. For quantification and monitoring of established proteinuria (ACR 70mg/mmol or more), use PCR.

If UKAS Accredited Test indicate at which site