Bacterial isolates of clinical significance including antimicrobial sensitivity testing: Faeces General Gastrointestinal Pathogen testing
Site(s) or Laboratory offering Test/Investigation
NNUH (Microbiology)
Specimens will be assigned investigations other than those included on this panel depending on relevant clinical details. These will be tested via routine culture. Some of these pathogens need to be processed at a higher containment level - please highlight suspected E.coli 0157, Cholera, Typhoid etc. if aware. This test may be sent away to the reference laboratory for confirmatory testing or further sensitivity testing.
Storage conditions and sample stability between collection and transport to Lab
>12 Hrs/ 24 Hrs Delays - refrigerate
Sample type
Faeces (Blue top or other sterile container)
Turnaround times (TAT) Urgent/Routine/GP or OPD
4 days
If UKAS Accredited Test indicate at which site