Post Vasectomy


Post Vasectomy

Site(s) or Laboratory offering Test/Investigation

NNUH, QEH (Andrology)


• Must be at least 12 weeks post-procedure and after a minimum of 20 ejaculations. • A complete ejaculate of semen produced my masturbation only, collected into a pre-weighed non-toxic container provided by the laboratory. Note: Incomplete samples & samples that have leaked in transit will be rejected. • The patient needs to have abstained from intercourse/ejaculation for 48 hours prior to sample collection, but needs to have had intercourse or ejaculated at least once, 5 days prior to the 48 hour abstinence period. • Patients will need to produce their samples at home on the day of their appointment, within one hour of their scheduled appointment time as there are no on-site sample production facilities. Patients are prohibited to using hospital toilets as a sample production room. • Containers need to be labelled by the patient with their name, date of birth and HRN/NHS number by hand and not using any additional pre-labelled stickers as this affects the final sample volume. Note: Samples produced in any other container than that provided by the laboratory will be rejected.

Sample type

Semen specimen produced by masturbation only, collected into a sterile, non-toxic, pre-weighed, wide-mouthed clear plastic container provided by the laboratory with a hand written label - stickers are not to be used as this will affect the final weight therefore producing an inaccurate sample volume. Note: Any lost fraction of sample can be recorded on the patient’s pre-analysis questionnaire. No minimum sample requirement. For more information please read the Andrology department page.

Turnaround times (TAT) Urgent/Routine/GP or OPD

1 week

Reference intervals (adult unless stated)

Reported Parameters Reference Value Units
Duration of abstinence 2-7 days
Time between collection & analysis Clearance <4 hours
Time between collection & analysis Special Clearance <60 minutes
Interpretation & Clearance
Clearance x1 sample = No sperm seen
Sample tested <4 hours post production
Special Clearance x2 samples = <0.1 x10^6/ml immotile sperm seen Both samples tested <60 minutes post production
The reference ranges have been derived from the 2016 Laboratory Guidelines for Post Vasectomy (Association of Biomedical Andrologists, the British Andrology Society and the British Association of Urological Surgeons) and are subject to periodic amendment.

The Laboratory takes no responsibility for any future pregnancies as a result of vasectomy reversal/re-canalisation that may take place after post vasectomy semen analysis under any circumstances.
‘Clearance’ or ‘Special Clearance’ can only be granted by the referring clinician in conjunction with the clinical context and the extent of patient compliance with the sample collection instructions.